This site is intended for healthcare professionals
GASOC (Global Anaesthesia, Surgery and Obstetric Collaboration)
GASOC (Global Anaesthesia, Surgery and Obstetric Collaboration)
Sharupa Chowdhury
Jean Ong
Naif Mohammed Abdu Nasser
Thomas Onyango Kirengo
Muhammad Junaid Qadir
James Denyjok
karthikk somyaji
Ahmed Mohamed Hamdy
Mohamed Abdinor Omar
Hassan Dauda
Catherine Howell
Rewa Baha
Praveen subbiah
Ahmed Mohamed Ali Hamid
Stuart Carter
Mussab Mohammed Osman
Mei Yee Ng
Sharupa Chowdhury
Jean Ong
Naif Mohammed Abdu Nasser
Thomas Onyango Kirengo
Muhammad Junaid Qadir
James Denyjok
karthikk somyaji
Ahmed Mohamed Hamdy
Mohamed Abdinor Omar
Hassan Dauda
Catherine Howell
Rewa Baha
33 members, 722 followers

Suggestions for learning

Posted by Team MedAll, 6 Feb 2024, 1 comments

Suggestions for learning

We are always looking for ideas about how we can help our community to develop in their professional careers while advancing the quality of patient care we can provide collectively. Please take a moment to let us know what topics you think we should cover.

Posted by Team MedAll, 6 Feb 2024, 1 comments

Team MedAll
Team MedAll
Team MedAll

Welcome & introductions

Posted by Team MedAll, 6 Feb 2024, 0 comments

Welcome & introductions

Welcome to GASOC (Global Anaesthesia, Surgery and Obstetric Collaboration). Why not take some time to introduce yourself, let us know what you do, where you come from and what your healthcare interests are.

Posted by Team MedAll, 6 Feb 2024, 0 comments