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Learn With Nurses
Vanessa Teed MSN, RN, CEN, CGNC
Desilyn Alana
Omnia Eissa Abdalla Ibnouf
Becky Tuohy-Hoy
Amana Qayum
Tuqa Al-Rashdan
Una O’Connor
Mr Gumansing Rai
Myslim Sina
Lesleyanne De-Ste-Croix
Abdelrahim Dafalla
Mariam Alwadda
Fatema El-zahraa Rabie
Karen Lee
Alison Fox
Naji Mohammed Abduh Obaid
Noble Appah
Vanessa Teed MSN, RN, CEN, CGNC
Desilyn Alana
Omnia Eissa Abdalla Ibnouf
Becky Tuohy-Hoy
Amana Qayum
Tuqa Al-Rashdan
Una O’Connor
Mr Gumansing Rai
Myslim Sina
Lesleyanne De-Ste-Croix
Abdelrahim Dafalla
Mariam Alwadda

Research based evidence

Posted by Hayley Manderson, 17 Oct 2024, 0 comments

Research based evidence

Great event.

Im a trainee acp, im trying to look at the why to the primary prevention guidance , so research that talks about "why" diet, smoking , exercise, alcohol is important. and why we use q risk, im also looking at socio-economic effects on cholesterol levels in our patients.

anyone got any good links, research evidence or can signpost me how to find it.

thanks in advance

Posted by Hayley Manderson, 17 Oct 2024, 0 comments

Zoe Wells
Zoe Wells
Zoe Wells

Cholesterol and pregnancy

Posted by Zoe Wells, 17 Oct 2024, 0 comments

Cholesterol and pregnancy

Thank you Michaela, I didn't realise how important cholesterol is to the body. How does cholesterol change in pregnancy? Should it be higher for both the Mother's and baby's requirements? Do targets change in pregnancy & when breast feeding? Thank you

Posted by Zoe Wells, 17 Oct 2024, 0 comments