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Year 3: Palpitations OSCE Teaching

25th Oct 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
25th Oct 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
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Ever wonder how you're going to manage to fit in time to take a thorough history and examination in your OSCEs?

Join our clinically focused teaching on palpitations to help prepare for finals where we discuss history-taking, physical examinations, investigations, and how to differentiate between different causes of palpitations with practice case scenarios.

This teaching is not only aimed at Manchester medical students, anyone is welcome to join.

Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArduuvrT4pG9W4juHRSxlNohlnonw2fn2w

Certificates and slides are given once the feedback form is completed.


This Year 3 Palpitations OSCE Teaching session provides medical professionals with the opportunity to hone their physical examinations, history-taking, investigations and differential diagnosis skills to aid in their preparation for medical finals. Practical case scenarios will be used to help differentiate between various causes of palpitations, making this session a valuable tool for anyone who wishes to improve their understanding of the area. All are welcome to attend.

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Learning objectives

  1. Students will be able to describe the different structures of the heart that are involved when assessing palpitations.

  2. Students will be able to identify the most common signs and symptoms of palpitations.

  3. Students will be able to list the red-flags associated with palpitations.

  4. Students will be able to recall the step-wise investigation and management of palpitations.

  5. Students will be able to differentiate the common causes of palpitations through case scenarios.

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Similar events and on demand videos

25th Oct 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events