This site is intended for healthcare professionals
13th Dec 2023
7:00 - 8:30pm (GMT)
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Attendance certificate available
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Ever wonder how you're going to manage to fit in time to take a thorough history and examination in your OSCEs?

Join our clinically focused teaching on central and lower abdominal pain to help prepare for finals where we discuss history-taking, physical examinations, investigations, and how to differentiate between different causes of central and lower abdominal pain with practice case scenarios.

This teaching is not only aimed at Manchester medical students, anyone is welcome to join.

Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwod-itpjovH9e7HVq0IFz3Zj2Xpc3M1N8O

Certificates and slides are given once the feedback form is completed.


This medical teaching session is perfect for medical professionals wanting a comprehensive practical approach to managing patients with central and lower abdominal pain. Learn useful clinical skills through discussions on how to take a thorough history and examination, investigations to consider, and case scenarios for differentiating between multiple causes of abdominal pain. Whether you are a student at Manchester University or any other medical professional, join us for a clinically focused session for practical tips and strategies that will benefit you in your OSCEs!

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Learning objectives

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the signs of and causes of both central and lower abdominal pain.
  2. Identify appropriate methods to determine a patient’s diagnosis and apply logical reasoning to the process.
  3. Comprehend the role of investigations in the diagnosis of central and lower abdominal pain.
  4. Analyse successfully the different clinical presentation of a range of abdominal pain conditions.
  5. Synthesise a range of clinical history and examination skills to correctly identify and reach a diagnosis for a patient with central and lower abdominal pain.
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13th Dec 2023
7:00 - 8:30pm (GMT)
Link not provided
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events