X-Ray Rounds: Feb 14, 2024
Catch-up content
Join us for the "X-Ray Rounds" on Feb 14, 2024. This teaching session aims to enhance your understanding and interpretation skills of radiographic images. Not only for radiologists, it's equally beneficial for all medical professionals who use X-ray as a diagnostic tool. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts, discuss challenging X-ray cases, and ensure accurate diagnosis for better patient care. Your expertise in reading X-rays can be a lifesaving skill. Register today!
Learning objectives
Understand the theoretical concepts underlying X-ray imaging, including its basic principles, generation and interpretation.
Learn to identify common radiological signs and pathologies in different organ systems using X-rays.
Discuss and apply the systematic approach to X-ray interpretation and frequently encountered pitfalls.
Enhance skills in integrating clinical data with X-ray findings to enhance diagnostic accuracy.
Discuss current advancements and future trends in X-ray imaging technology and how they might affect clinical practice.