Join our upcoming Wellbeing Series webinar: Understanding Resident Doctors Pay & How To Spot The Errors. The team from Doctors Paycheck present this comprehensive webinar on understanding doctors pay. Topics covered will include understanding your salary on the 2016 Terms & Conditions (England), understanding your payslip, understanding your deductions including taxes, pensions and student loans, and understanding the 2024 resident doctors pay uplift. They will also outline common errors to watch for, money saving tips and tricks, and how to optimise your take-home money. Bring your questions as there will be time for Q&A afterwards.
Dr. Dominic Carr:
Dom is an ST6 registrar in paediatric intensive care subspeciality training. He has over 5 years of experience working directly on pay for doctors, which has included supporting doctors in reclaiming hundreds of thousands of pounds in mis-payments. He has worked directly with doctors, human resources departments and heads, senior NHS managers, NHS Employers, rostering software companies and a range of associated organisations and committees. He is regularly invited to give talks across the country on the issue of pay, and his work has won local, regional and national prizes. Dom is a co-founder of Doctors Paycheck.
Dr. Hermione Leach:
Hermione is a ST7 paediatric registrar with a special interest in neonatal intensive care. She has been working on identifying and rectifying pay issues since 2019, supporting colleagues on a one-to-one basis, holding regular local, regional and national teaching events, and creating written easy-to-access guidance on salary calculations for resident doctors. She has held roles in local and regional committees to address issues in resident doctor pay, and has been awarded a national conference prize, and multiple local awards for her work supporting doctors and trusts to rectify pay issues. Hermione is a co-founder of Doctors Paycheck.