Urology: Retention and incontinence
Join our engaging session on Urology: Retention and Incontinence to deepen your understanding of these common urological issues. Our expert panel will cover the latest diagnostic tools, therapeutic strategies, and the current best practices for treating these conditions. This session will enhance your clinical skills, and enable you to provide better patient care in your daily practice. Stay updated, expand your knowledge, and earn CPD points. Don't miss this chance to advance your urology know-how.
Learning objectives
Define and explain the terms urinary retention and incontinence, including the different types, causes, and potential complications of each.
Understand how to assess, diagnose, and monitor patients suffering from urinary retention and incontinence.
Analyze the current treatment options available for patients with urinary retention and incontinence, discussing the efficacy and potential side effects of each treatment method.
Critique and evaluate recent medical research related to urinary retention and incontinence to help improve diagnosis and treatment plans.
Conduct comprehensive patient consultations regarding urinary retention and incontinence in order to support them in managing their symptoms effectively.