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Upper GI: Upper GI cancers

11th Mar 2025
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
11th Mar 2025
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available


This teaching session delves into the intricate world of Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. Attendees will gain in-depth insights into the latest advancements in diagnosing and treating these complex malignancies. Learn about esophageal, gastric and other upper GI cancers from leading experts in the field. This session is indispensable for medical professionals seeking to enhance their understanding, hone their skills and deliver superior patient care. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bolster your professional capabilities.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the different types of Upper GI Cancers: By the end of the session, participants should be well-versed with the various types of Upper GI cancers, including Esophageal, Gastric and Pancreatic cancers.

  2. Identify risk factors and early symptoms of Upper GI Cancers: Participants should be able to identify potential risk factors and early signs of Upper GI cancers, enabling early detection and treatment.

  3. Understand the diagnostic procedures for Upper GI Cancers: Participants will learn about the different diagnostic methods for Upper GI cancers including endoscopy, biopsy, and imaging techniques.

  4. Understand the different treatment methods for Upper GI cancers: Participants should gain understanding of the variety of treatment methods available for Upper GI cancers, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and emerging treatment options.

  5. Discuss current research and advances in Upper GI Cancers: A learning objective would include keeping up-to-date with the recent advancements in the field of Upper GI cancers and incorporating the latest research findings and treatment innovations into their medical practice.

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11th Mar 2025
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available