UON RadSoc National Teaching Series - Lower limbs X-rays
Catch-up content
Join the UON RadSoc National Teaching Series for a comprehensive session on Lower Limbs X-rays. This session is crucial for medical professionals seeking to enhance their radiographic skills, particularly in musculoskeletal radiology. Gain deep insights into reading, interpreting, and diagnosing based on lower limb x-rays, a fundamental ability in many medical specialties. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from experienced radiologists and enhance your proficiency in patient care.
Learning objectives
By the end of the session, learners will be able to accurately interpret lower limb x-rays, identifying key structures and common pathologies.
Participants will develop an understanding of the various types of lower limb x-rays (including AP, lateral, and oblique views) and be able to distinguish between them.
Learners will implement systematic approach in analyzing and interpreting lower-limb radiographs, including assessment of alignment, bones, cartilage, soft tissues and abnormalities.
Participants will be trained to recognize and diagnose a variety of conditions and injuries that can be identified in lower limb X-rays, such as fractures, infections, tumors, and degenerative diseases.
By the end of the session, learners should feel more confident in their ability to effectively communicate their interpretations and diagnoses with patients and fellow health professionals.