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TIPSQI National QI Session

25th Jan 2024
1:00 - 2:00pm (GMT)
25th Jan 2024
1:00 - 2:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Join us for an lunchtime session of QI methodology and practical tips to make the most of your upcoming QI projects!

TIPSQI are a teaching collaborative based in the North West of England. We deliver QI sessions as part of F1 and F2 regional teaching programs. This year we are aiming bigger and will be delivering a couple of our sessions on a national basis here on MedAll. The sessions are primarily designed for F1/F2 trainees but are open to anyone keen to develop further interest in the theory and design of quality improvement projects. Attendance shows an awareness of QI (useful for ARCP) and can really assist you to create a more effective QI project.

All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.

We also run a now national QI conference each year. This is open to foundation trainees and give you the opportunity to present your work at an accredited national conference.

For any more information, visit tipsqi.co.uk.


Broaden your knowledge on Quality Improvement (QI) methodology at the TIPSQI National QI Session! Aimed primarily at F1/F2 trainees, but open to all medical professionals wanting to improve on project quality, this session provides practical tips for your upcoming QI projects. Run by TIPSQI, a North West England-based collaborative, this session showcases an understanding of QI - advantageous for ARCP and aids in creating more impactful QI projects. Attendees can look forward to a certificate of attendance and an invitation to a national QI conference offering the chance to present your work on a national platform.

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Learning objectives

  1. Identify and understand the principles of Quality Improvement (QI) methodology and how these can be applied in a health sector overview.
  2. Recognize the benefits of QI in clinical settings and understand the potential positive impacts on patient care and service efficiency.
  3. Learn and apply practical tips and strategies to initiate, manage, and ensure the success of a QI project.
  4. Understand how a well-designed and executed QI project can further your medical career and have positive outcomes for ARCP.
  5. Understand the process of presenting a QI project at a national conference level and the benefits this can offer for professional recognition and development.
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25th Jan 2024
1:00 - 2:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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