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Tips For Successful ST1/CT1 Surgery Application Workshop 1 with Mr Vinci Naruka ST5 NTN in Cardiothoracic Surgery

27th Jan 2024
12:15 - 1:05pm (GMT)
27th Jan 2024
12:15 - 1:05pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Mr Vinci Naruka, ST5 NTN in Cardiothoracic Surgery, will be delivering a workshop “Tips For Successful ST1/CT1 Surgery Application” as part of the NUCCS Advancements in Cardiothoracic Surgery: National Student-Led Conference. Mr Naruka graduated from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2017 and attained the competitive run-through training programme in Cardiothoracic Surgery in London in 2019. He is heavily involved in national education and mentoring schemes for medical students and doctors towards a career in surgery by developing a competitive CV. He holds the Residents Committee position for the European Association for Cardio-thoracic surgery (EACTS) where he hopes to widen education in Cardiothoracic Surgery across the Europe. The NUCCS conference on cardiothoracic surgery (CTS) is an excellent opportunity for medical students and foundation doctors to gain hands-on experience in basic CTS skills, and also to learn about the latest advancements in this field.


Join us for an engaging workshop led by Mr Vinci Naruka, ST5 NTN in Cardiothoracic Surgery, at the NUCCS Advancements in Cardiothoracic Surgery: National Student-Led Conference. Learn his top tips for a successful ST1/CT1 Surgery application and bolster your career potential. With his expertise and insight, stemming from a prestigious education and contributions to national education for aspiring surgeons, this workshop is a unique opportunity to enhance your talents and broaden your understanding of the field. Don't miss the chance to also take part in CTS skills sessions and stay updated with the latest developments in Cardiothoracic Surgery.

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Learning objectives

  1. To gain knowledge on the ST1/CT1 surgery application process, the prerequisites, and what can make an application competitive.
  2. To learn about effective strategies to build and enhance one's CV for the ST1/CT1 application in Cardiothoracic Surgery.
  3. To develop an understanding of the role of the Residents Committee position for the European Association for Cardio-thoracic surgery (EACTS) and how involvement can contribute towards the ST1/CT1 surgery application.
  4. To gain a deeper understanding of the advancements and current trends in Cardiothoracic surgery from a leader in the field.
  5. To acquire hands-on experience and skills in basic Cardiothoracic Surgery procedures and techniques.
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27th Jan 2024
12:15 - 1:05pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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