As part of the College’s international engagement initiatives, we strive to promote a deeper understanding of the surgical training requirements in the UK for medical students, house officers and medical officers. This topic will look at the personal journey of Mr Jie Lim, a General Surgeon in the NHS England - Health Education Yorkshire and Humber, with an interest in Oesophagogastric subspecialty. The webinar will pave the way towards levelling up audience’s work game to get ahead. Among others, the speaker will articulate and illustrate on how-to guides, tips and sharing insights that make all the difference in training in the UK.
Due to the on-going interest in the UK surgical training, the strategic education and awareness is imperative for potential trainees. This webinar aims to propagate a better understanding of the plan of action for trainees to achieve their long-term goals.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this webinar, the participants should have higher insights of how the training scheme works in the UK. More importantly are the physical and mental preparations the trainees have to make before embarking on the journey towards personal development and career excellence.
Our panellists include:
- Mr Jie Lim - General Surgery (Oesophagogastric) Post CCT Fellow. NHS England - Health Education Yorkshire and Humber. MBChB ChM MSc PgCert FRCSEd MFSTEd DRCOG.
1 Hour