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The Art of Freelance Medical Writing

6th Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:00pm (GMT)
6th Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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In this talk, 3rd year medical student and medical writer Ransom Onyema gives his top tips on producing a successful and interesting research paper as a medical student.


Join us for 'The Art of Freelance Medical Writing' with third-year medical student and medical writer, Ransom Onyema. Gain insights on crafting a successful and engaging research paper as a medical student. This unique perspective can help you take your academic writing to the next level. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your medical writing skills.

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand the basic requirements and common formats of freelance medical writing, from research papers to reviews.
  2. To identify and overcome challenges typically faced in freelance medical writing, with a focus on maintaining academic integrity and ethical standards.
  3. To apply practical writing tips for creating engaging, concise, and compelling content in medical research papers.
  4. To appreciate the role of freelance medical writing in the broader context of medical education, advocacy, and literature.
  5. To learn strategies for balancing the dual role of a medical student and a freelance medical writer, and using these opportunities to advance one's career and personal growth.
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6th Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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