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Supporting and Developing the role of the Assistant Practitioner

25th Sep 2025
9:00am - 4:00pm (GMT)
25th Sep 2025
9:00am - 4:00pm (GMT)
£295 (GBP)
Link not provided
Attendance certificate available
Abstract submissions


The National Assistant Practitioner Conference in association with University of Cumbria and the Assistant Practitioner (Health) Network aims develop and support the role, and discuss key topical issues, bringing together decision makers, departmental managers, course leaders and assistant practitioners (current and aspiring) together in one place to effect positive and sustainable change.

This conference will update delegates about the development of the role on a national level, while also shedding light on its future and how it fits into the expanding NHS healthcare landscape. You will hear national updates regarding role development, regulation and competency assessment and practical case studies from Assistant Practitioners and those who support them. The conference will provide the platform to hear directly from assistant practitioners sharing their lived experiences and how they overcame barriers and established and integrated the role including career progression.

Learning objectives

  1. Network with colleagues including Assistant Practitioners and those who support them
  2. Hear from experienced colleagues who have worked extensively to develop and further the Assistant Practitioner role
  3. Choose from specialty streams to suit your role (all streams recorded)
  4. Learn from the best practices where APs have maximised their potential in their role
  5. Understand how the role evolved over the years and the rationale behind this change
  6. Discuss and reflect on national developments
  7. Develop your leadership skills as an Assistant Practitioner, and understand how the role can develop
  8. Understand the barriers to effective governance and registration
  9. Improve patient safety: understand limits of competence, escalation and what APs can and can’t do
  10. Equip mangers to support and introduce Assistant Practitioners more effectively
  11. Learn from the lived experience of Assistant Practitioners
  12. Learn how assistant practitioners can develop competencies in medicine administration
  13. Reflect on insightful case studies across multiple disciplines
  14. Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
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25th Sep 2025
9:00am - 4:00pm (GMT)
£295 (GBP)
Link not provided
Attendance certificate available
Abstract submissions