Join us for the fifth talk of the SUNS Introduction to Clinical Neuroscience Research Series 2024/2025 with Dr. Linard Filli: The Structural and Functional Plasticity of the CNS after Spinal Cord Injury
Dr. Linard Filli is a neuroscientist who did his PhD in the Lab of Prof. Martin E. Schwab at the ETH Zurich on the mechanisms of neuroplasticity on functional recovery in animal models of spinal cord injury. He then changed into the clinical setting at the University Hospital in Zurich where he examined the role of neuromodulation on locomotor function in people with multiple sclerosis. In 2018, Linard Filli started a position as research group leader at the Spinal Cord Injury Centre of the Balgrist University Hospital. His current research focuses on the mechanisms of neuroplasticity and repair after incomplete spinal cord injury, and on the mechanisms of descending movement control in healthy volunteers. Moreover, he leads the Swiss Centre for Movement Analysis at the Balgrist Campus, an open-access platform for clinical movement analysis.
Talk details:
Descending supraspinal motor control in health and disease: role of the cortico- and reticulospinal system in motor physiology and functional recovery following central nervous system injuries