Sonoanatomy long Head of Biceps AC Joint Rotator Cuff
Join our highly informative session focused on the sonoanatomy of the Long Head of Biceps, AC Joint, and Rotator Cuff. This comprehensive workshop will enhance your understanding of these complex anatomical structures through the use of advanced sonographic imaging. Don't miss the chance to enrich your clinical skills, improve your diagnostic accuracy, and provide better patient care. Ideal for medical professionals working in sports medicine, orthopedics, and physiotherapy.
Learning objectives
By the end of the teaching session, participants will be able to describe the sonoanatomy of the long head of the biceps, its normal ultrasound appearance, and common pathological changes that may be seen.
The students will understand the anatomical and sonographic features of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint. They will also learn to identify normal and abnormal ultrasound images of the AC joint and to diagnose key pathological conditions affecting it.
Learners should be able to explain the role of the rotator cuff muscles in shoulder function, their sonoanatomic features, and how to identify rotator cuff tears or degeneration using ultrasound.
Participants will gain knowledge on how to operate an ultrasound machine, including machine settings, probe selection, and patient positioning, for imaging the long head of biceps, AC joint, and rotator cuff.
By the end of this session, participants should be able to incorporate pertinent clinical history and physical exam findings with sonographic findings to form a differential diagnosis for various pathologies involving the long head of biceps, AC joint, and rotator cuff.