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6th May 2024
3:30 - 4:45pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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The factors that determine how well a wound heals include preoperative, operative and post operative elements. Skin closure is the conclusion of the total procedure and is often left to the most junior person in theatre. The wound, however, is the only part of the operation that is seen by the patient. The way the wound is closed will determine how well it heals and the scar - it is the surgeons' indelible signature. The patient will look at the scar and remember you! BBASS outlines the principles of skin closure and looks at the benefits of each technique.


This practical session, titled "Skin Closure - Your Indelible Signature," examines critical factors influencing wound healing and the profound impact of skin closure technique on patient recovery and scar formation. The teaching covers skin closure's preoperative, operative, and post-operative elements, challenging the notion of it being a simple, junior-level task. Highlighting that the resultant scar serves as the surgeons' indelible mark, the session provides a nuanced understanding of different techniques, facilitating the best outcomes for patients. Perfect for medical professionals seeking to elevate their surgical skill and patient care!

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand the importance of skin closure in the overall medical procedure and its impact on the healing of the wound.
  2. To recognize the different preoperative, operative, and post operative elements that can affect the healing process of the wound.
  3. To gain knowledge about various skin closure techniques and the benefits of each technique.
  4. To identify the surgeon’s role and responsibility in ensuring an effective and aesthetically pleasing skin closure, recognizing it as their 'indelible signature'.
  5. To evaluate the importance of meticulous skin closure, understanding that the result is often the most visible to the patient, thereby affecting their satisfaction with the procedure.
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6th May 2024
3:30 - 4:45pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events