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Semester 3 Neuropathology Crash Course!

13th Nov 2024
5:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
13/11/24 - 22/03/25
5:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
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Catch-up content



Boost your expertise in the realm of Neuropathology with our Semester 3 Neuropathology Crash Course! This intense, information-packed session will delve into the complexities of diseases affecting the nervous system, including enlightening discussions on neurodegenerative disorders, stroke, and brain infections. Suitable for practicing clinicians, medical students, and healthcare professionals, this course is designed to help you improve patient outcomes through advanced understanding. Don't miss this chance to enhance your skillset and strengthen your medical knowledge base!

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand and differentiate between the basic principles and classifications of neuropathology including the primary diseases and secondary effects.
  2. To analyze and interpret neuropathological cases, specifically examining current diagnostic measures, markers, and clinical correlations.
  3. Comprehend and apply knowledge of the genetic and environmental factors contributing to the pathogenesis of neurological diseases.
  4. To master the microscopic and macroscopic features of common neuropathologic conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
  5. To critically evaluate the current research and emerging trends in the field of neuropathology, providing an avenue for learners to explore future clinical and research opportunities.
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13/11/24 - 22/03/25
5:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available