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SCRUBS Anatomy series: Session 7 - Bony Pelvis and Pelvic Organs

13th Nov 2024
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
13th Nov 2024
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll


In session 7 of our SCRUBS Anatomy series, we dive into the anatomy of the Bony Pelvis and Pelvic Organs.

Learning objectives

1. Identify the main features and surface landmarks of the bony pelvis. 2. Describe the major differences in the pelvis between a male and female on bones and radiographs. 3. Identify the main organs in the male and female pelvis. 4. Explore the general arrangement of the pelvic organs and the pouches formed by the peritoneal reflections. 5. Demonstrate the arteries and veins supplying the pelvic organs and the muscles attaching to the pelvic frame. 6. Demonstrate the main nerves of the lumbosacral trunk and the sacral plexus. 7. Demonstrate the prostate gland and related structures. 8. Demonstrate the blood supply of the uterus, vagina and ovaries. 9. Demonstrate the internal and external os of the uterus. 10. Demonstrate the main connective tissue structures anchoring the vagina and uterus.
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13th Nov 2024
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll