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S18 - Arterial Disease (Rescheduled)

12th Mar 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
12th Mar 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Explore the crucial insights and latest advancements in Arterial Disease management in this highly informative session. Designed specifically for medical professionals, this teaching session provides an in-depth understanding of arterial disease, the latest diagnostic tools, treatment techniques and preventive measures. It's been rescheduled for your convenience, providing an invaluable opportunity to learn from top industry experts. Don't miss out on upgrading your knowledge and skills in arterial disease management.
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Learning objectives

1. To understand the basic pathophysiology of arterial disease and its classification. 2. To identify major risk factors and symptoms associated with differing types of arterial diseases. 3. To learn commonly used diagnostic procedures and interpret test results related to arterial disease. 4. To gain knowledge about the latest treatment protocols and management strategies for patients with arterial disease including pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. 5. To discuss and analyse various case studies of arterial disease, enhancing ability to critically think and make clinical decisions in the context of arterial disease.
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12th Mar 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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