RSM Systematic Reviews Course 2024 - Session 3
Boost your research and analytical skills by attending the RSM Systematic Reviews Course 2024 - Session 3. This engaging session will delve deep into the methodologies, critical appraisal, interpretation, and implications of systematic reviews in the medical profession. Learn how to effectively use systematic reviews in your own practice, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Don't miss out on this opportunity for professional development and peer networking.
Learning objectives
Understand the fundamental principles and purpose of a systematic review in a medical context, including its role in gathering, evaluating, and synthesizing previous research studies on a particular clinical question.
Develop proficiency in creating a clear, focused research question for a systematic review, using PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) or similar frameworks.
Gain experience in searching databases and other information sources for relevant literature, applying effective search strategies, and managing references for a systematic review.
Learn how to critically appraise selected studies for their quality and relevance to the research question, utilizing standardized checklists or scoring systems.
Acquire skills in data extraction, synthesis, and analysis, and understand how to interpret and present results of a systematic review in a clear, transparent, and reproducible manner.