Renal Medicine - Hyperkalaemia, Polycystic Kidneys and Hypertension
This teaching session will provide medical professionals invaluable information on the diagnosis, management, and treatment of Hyperkalaemia, Polycystic Kidney Disease and Hypertension. Attendees will gain a comprehensive overview of the medical care strategies to effectively treat these too common medical conditions. Furthermore, they will receive up-to-date guidance, relevant to their clinical practice, on the latest developments in renal medicine. Come and join us for this important learning session!
Learning objectives
Objective 1: Identify the signs and symptoms of hyperkalaemia in a patient.
Objective 2: Develop an understanding of the management of polycystic kidneys.
Objective 3: Diagnose and evaluate the hypertension in patients with renal diseases.
Objective 4: Analyze the indications for using diuretics and ACE inhibitors for treatment of hypertension.
Objective 5: Formulate guidelines for monitoring and prevention of hypertension in renal patients.