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14th Nov 2023
5:15 - 7:15pm (GMT)
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Upcoming Session: Plastics Surgery 2 - Skin Cancer & Endocrine Surgery 2 - Adrenal Disease

Want to smash medical finals?!!!

Join the RiSE surgical teaching series

31st Oct - 19th December

High-yield UKMLA surgical topics

Delivered by LDN Foundation doctors

Facebook page (Join to find future events): https://www.facebook.com/groups/350945524090529/

Microsoft Teams Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDk0NzgwZmQtOTYzNS00M2Q5LWE3MmYtZDIxMzM4ZTY2Yjk1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2237c354b2-85b0-47f5-b222-07b48d774ee3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e977cb64-bed2-4439-b835-cb2eb60b68b3%22%7d


Medical professionals, enhance your surgical knowledge and study skills with this workshop series - Regional Teaching for In Surgical Education (RISE). Delivered by LDN Foundation doctors, this series will cover two topics per session, focusing up on skin cancer and adrenal disease in the upcoming session which will run from 31st October to 19th December. Join our Facebook group to access the exclusive Microsoft Team link and aim for the highest grades in your medical finals!

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Learning objectives

  1. Identify common procedures and techniques used in plastic surgery related to skin cancer
  2. Describe the role of endocrine surgery in addressing adrenal disease.
  3. Describe common assessments used to diagnose a patient with skin cancer or adrenal disease
  4. Explain the relevant anatomy for plastic and endocrine procedures
  5. Discuss pre-operative considerations for plastic and endocrine surgeries.
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14th Nov 2023
5:15 - 7:15pm (GMT)
Link not provided
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