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0830-0900 Online registration
- 0910-0920 Opening Address
- 0920-0945 Trauma, Mr Shehan Hettiaratchy
- 0945-1020 Reconstructive Ladder, Mr Navid Jallali
- 1020-1045 Burns, Mr Jorge Leon-Villapalos
1100-1135 Morning Break
1110-1135 Aesthetics,Ms Elizabeth HawkesMs Hawkes is unable to attend today due to an unforeseen event and sends her sincere apologies.- 1135-1200 Craniofacial, Ms Lisa Greaney (Recorded Lecture)
- 1200-1230 Head and Neck, Mr Oscar Fernandez
1230-1325 Lunch Break
- 1325-1350 Social Media and Plastic Surgery, Dr Roy Kim
- 1350-1415 Microsurgery, Professor Luigi Troisi
- 1415-1440 Thumb and Digital Reconstruction, Professor Luigi Troisi
1440-1505 Afternoon Break
- 1505-1530 Genital Surgery, Mr Don Lee
- 1530-1555 Breast Surgery, Ms Georgette Oni
- 1555-1620 Abdominoplasties and Laryngo-Pharyngeal Reconstruction, Mr Simon Wood
- 1620-1645 Plastic Surgery Training Pathway, Mr Richard Kwasnicki
1645-1700 Closing Address and Brief for Day 2
Please contact iPRAS via Instagram or with any questions