We will be covering the following in this session:
- Managing your rest
- Prioritising patients
- Real cases
The Code Blue OSCE Crew (CBOC) serves as an online, peer-led platform dedicated to clinical OSCE skills teaching for medical students, with the added support of medical professionals. CBOC is a recognized program under the IFMSA's Activities program, specifically affiliated with SCOME's 'Teaching Medical Skills' initiative. We host weekly OSCE skills teaching via Zoom. We are proudly supported by Geeky Medics, who generously support our mission and endeavors.
'Ready, Steady, F1' is our highly-anticipated teaching series, hosted by a team of qualified junior doctors to help our final-year medical students prepare for the next stage in their careers. Students will learn a variety of skills and familiarise themselves with common scenarios they will encounter as a junior doctor. This teaching series is open to all medical students in their clinical years.