Topic: Psychosomatics in Daily General Practice
Lecture: MUDr. Martin Seifert
Martin Seifert is currently working at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and since June 1, 2020, as the appointed head of the Division of General Practice, which he founded and whose activities he enthusiastically develops. He graduated in General Medicine at the 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University in 2009 and gained his basic practice mainly at the 3rd. Internal Medicine Clinic, at the Department of Rehabilitation and other workplaces of the General Hospital in Prague. He then worked for over two years at the Department of Neurological Rehabilitation in Regensburg, Germany. Only there did he decide to devote his professional life to primary care for Czech patients and returned to his home in Prague. He got the specialization license in General Practice in November 2015.
As part of his postgraduate education, he completed the Course of Myoskeletal Medicine and the Course of Basic Psychosomatic Care and later he graduated in a five-year psychotherapeutic psychodynamic training focusing on psychosomatics. Since then, he has engaged in psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic practice with proper supervision. In 2019, he acquired professional competence in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine. He has been working on psychosomatic issues for years. He has participated, for example, in the creation of a Recommended Procedure for General Practitioners of Psychosomatic Disorders and Medically Unexplained Symptoms. He also wrote chapters in the book General Practical Medicine (Galén, 2019), including on psychosomatics. Since July 2013, he has been working in Karlín, Prague, as a general practitioner in his office as well as working as a psychosomatic physician at CKP Sámova and the Atoda Clinic. 2017-2021 he was an active member of the Council of the Czech Young GPs z.s.
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