About the MedAll Primary Care Education Programme
We are passionate about making medical education free and more accessible. In light of the increasing financial pressures faced by healthcare professionals, including the rising cost of living and strained practice finances, we felt compelled to do something. It's why we have introduced a no-cost CPD programme for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals working in primary care (NB. Irish College of GPs CPD recognition pending). We recognise that the high expense of traditional CPD update courses is a significant barrier, and by collaborating as an entire primary care community we hope we can offer a practical, accessible alternative.
About our speaker: Dr Vikram Talaulikar MD, FRCOG, PhD
Dr. Talaulikar is an Honorary Associate Professor in Women's Health at University College London. As a British Menopause Society Menopause Specialist, Dr. Talaulikar brings a wealth of expertise in menopause care. He is recognized as a Principal Trainer for the Menopause Special Skills Module at the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He is a Trainer for the BMS Principles and Practice of Menopause Care course.
Further teaching from Dr Talaulikar can be found here
Who Should Join?
✅ GPs
✅ Primary care and practice nurses
✅ Practice pharmacists
✅ Other allied healthcare professionals in primary care