PreClinical SBA Crash Course - PreClinEazy
Catch-up content
This intensive crash course, known as PreClinical SBA, is specifically designed for medical professionals who are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in preclinical sciences. It's presented by PreClinEazy, a known leader in medical education. By attending this course, you can expect to gain vital insights into a systematic and easy way of understanding preclinical subjects such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. This opportunity is ideal for medical students, doctors, or any health professionals who wish to excel in their medical career by embracing strong preclinical foundations. You’ll also get the chance to engage with experts in the field, opening avenues for discussion and learning. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to consolidate and refresh your preclinical knowledge!
Learning objectives
- To understand the format and style of Single Best Answer (SBA) questions frequently used in medical examinations.
- To develop strategies for effectively answering SBA questions, including time management, elimination of incorrect answers, and educated guessing.
- To gain knowledge on main topics frequently covered in preclinical medical examinations through SBA format.
- To improve critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for decoding complex clinical scenarios in SBA questions.
- To increase confidence in tackling SBA questions under exam conditions through practice and feedback sessions.