Join Dr Reeana to cover T&O
PLAB Series: Trauma and Orthopaedics Recap
Don't miss this upcoming on-demand teaching session - the PLAB Series: Trauma and Orthopaedics Recap. Join us to review the topics relevant to medical professionals and the PLAB exam in Trauma and Orthopaedics. This session will provide you with a detailed analysis and helpful tips, giving you the confidence and skills necessary to prepare for and succeed in the exam. Attending this session could be the key to boosting your PLAB score and enhancing your career.
Learning objectives
Participants will be able to describe the key principles of trauma and orthopaedics in line with the PLAB Examination.
Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the management of musculoskeletal conditions.
Participants will be able to identify the key elements of fracture treatment.
Participants will be able to apply appropriate suturing techniques in a wide variety of wound configurations and properties.
Participants will be able to differentiate between key concepts of orthopaedics and trauma related to the medical specialties.