Orthopaedic On-call Survival Course
Catch-up content
3Description & schedule
The Orthopaedic On-call Survival Course for Junior Doctors has received excellent feedback in the past and we are excited for the 5th edition of this course to be held virtually on this occasion. The course curriculum for the Orthopaedic On-Call Survival Course for Junior Doctors has been developed and will be delivered by an Orthopaedic London Consultant with a strong interest in medical education. This course is aimed at junior doctors who wish to improve their knowledge before embarking on an orthopaedic Foundation Year 2 / Senior House Officer (SHO) attachment to be able to manage common orthopaedic presentations and emergencies confidently.This course will also be useful for medical students with a particular interest in Trauma and Orthopaedics to gain more of an understanding on common presentations. and interpreting X-rays.