PSA: Summer 2021 just got better 🔥🔥🔥
Hello strangers,
Don’t feel confident enough with eyes?
Not to worry. A week on the wards may not be enough. We get that.
What we've done is tailor make a series of lectures, covering the high yeild and essential aspects of Opthalmology may be all you need to get you that confidence. The confidence to ace your OSCEs and PROGRESS TESTS tests. The confidence to know what to do when it's 1am on that night shift in A+E when someone comes in with red eyes.
We've been were you are. We know how it feels like not knowing the difference between anopia and hemianopia.
Talks are interactive, friendly and run every 3 weeks.
PS: Every talk you attend = A shiny portfolio certificate for you!!!
- 28/7/21 (Anatomy of the Eye)
- 25/8/21 (Tracts)
- 22/9/21 (Examinations)
- 27/10/21(Red eye + Blurry Vision)
Time: 1900
Venue: Online. Grab a cuppa and join us in your PJs.