
Oncology Webinar Series. 3: Oncological Emergencies

18th Apr 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
18th Apr 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Not to be missed: the third in the Mind the Bleep x BONUS oncology webinar series.

Title: Oncological Emergencies

Delivered by Dr Jessica Little, Clinical Oncology Registrar in South London and currently doing an education year at Barts

Calling all junior doctors, interested medical students and specialty trainees! Whether you’re interested in oncology as a career or not, looking after oncology patients is an inevitable part of the job across a range of settings.

This session will be talking about oncology emergency presentation and management including: metastatic spinal cord compression, neutropenic sepsis, hypercalcaemia, SVCO and brain metastases which can frequently present on the medical take. Topics also often coming up in medical school exams!

Mind the Bleep is a free medical education platform that aims to help junior doctors everywhere by creating a resource with everything they need. We have partnered with the British Oncology Network Undergraduate Societies (BONUS) to bring you this series.

BONUS is a national oncology network which aims to promote education and careers in clinical, medical, surgical and interventional oncology.







Instagram: @mindthebleep


Join Dr Jessica Little from Barts as she delves into oncological emergencies and their management in this important oncology webinar series brought to you by Mind the Bleep and the British Oncology Network Undergraduate Societies (BONUS). This session is perfect for medical professionals looking to brush up on their knowledge and skills in order to best care for oncology patients. Designed to be informative and exam relevant, learn--in a safe and welcoming space--about topics such as metastatic spinal cord compression, neutropenic sepsis, hypercalcaemia, and SVCO, among others. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to gain an edge in your practice.
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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives for the Oncological Emergencies Webinar Series: 1. Describe the clinical presentation, workup and management of metastatic spinal cord compression. 2. Summarize the initial evaluation and management of neutropenic sepsis. 3. Explain the investigation and treatment options for uncontrolled hypercalcaemia. 4. Discuss the pathophysiology and therapeutic strategies for superior vena cava obstruction. 5. Demonstrate understanding of the presentation and management of brain metastases.
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18th Apr 2023
6:00 - 7:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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