Main stage - this will be where all our talks will happen - you can use the chat on the right - remember you do need to be verified to use this
Sessions - this is where you will see our tech test for speakers and also some coffee rooms where you can network throughout the conference
Event Info - is where you will find our schedule - we will try our best to keep to the times listed
Sponsors - we have a few sponsors/supporters here - please do take a look
Poster hall - this will open in a new window for you, you can browse these and click on them to read them - click on them a second time and this will enlarge it for you.
Monday 12th Sept 1-5pm
13:00 | Welcome and chairs opening remarks | Prof Denise Fitzgerald Queen’s University Belfast, UK & Dr Una FitzGerald National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
13:10 | Targeting mitochondria to protect acutely demyelinated axons in MS | Dr Don Mahad University of Edinburgh, UK
13:50 | Selected Short Talk: Botanically-derived highly purified cannabidiol and Δ9 tetrahydrocannabinol, and their 1:1 combination, modulate toll-like receptor 3 and 4 signalling in immune cells from people with multiple sclerosis | Dr Eric Downer Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
14:00 | Neuro-glial interactions at the nodes of Ranvier and their roles in health and disease | Dr Anne Desmazières Sorbonne Université, Inserm, Paris Brain Institute, France
14:40 | Break
15:00 | Selected Short Talk: A preliminary in silico model of convection and diffusion of transcranially delivered drugs in cerebrospinal fluid | Jack Hampson, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
15:10 | Opportunities and challenges in big data: lessons from the Big MS Data Network | Prof Tim Spelman MSBase Registry, Australia
15:50 | Selected Short Talk: Ageing impairs the regenerative capacity of regulatory T cells in the central nervous system | Dr Alerie Guzman de la Fuente, Institute of Health and Biomedical Research of Alicante and CSIC-UMH Neuroscience Institute of Alicante (ISABIAL), Spain
16:00 | Selected Short Talk: Modulation of neuro-inflammation in murine immune-competent brain organoids | Julia di Stefano, University of Antwerp, Belgium
16:30 | Close
Tuesday 13th Sept 9am-2pm
9:00 | Opening remarks | Dr Gavin McDonnell Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, UK
9:10 | Contemporary Clinical Trials in MS | Dr Emma Tallantyre Cardiff University, UK
9:50 | A Clinical Perspective on MS Registries from Northern Ireland | Dr Orla Gray South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust; Ulster Hospital, Belfast, UK
10:30 | Selected Short talk: Preliminary efficacy and feasibility of a Cognitive Occupation-Based programme for people with Multiple Sclerosis (COBMS) | Dr Sinead Hynes National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
10:40 | Break
11:00 | How big data from MS (and experimental) studies influences clinical practice | Prof Melinda Magyari The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry, Denmark
11:40 | Selected Short Talk: Transcriptomic analysis validation with multiplex RNAscope of meningeal and perivascular inflammation in a Multiple Sclerosis post-mortem case | Dr Rachael Kee Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
11:50 | Lunch and Poster Session
13:00 | Keynote Lecture: Change is underway – Implementing & trialling MS interventions | Prof Klaus Schmierer The Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London; The Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK
14:00 | Closing remarks and Prizes | Dr Imre Lengyel Queen’s University Belfast, UK