NHS Health Checks - Clinical
Delivered by Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc
Former Clinical Advisor Personalised Prevention OHID
Chair Health Care Committee HEART UK
This is an in-person event for colleagues who previously attended the NHS HC full-day in Sheringham.
Venue details are on the Norfolk webpage on the Smart Health Solutions website.
Food and refreshments will be provided on the day.
This bespoke NHS Health Check Training is a great opportunity to update your knowledge nationally and locally, whilst networking with colleagues from across Wiltshire.
This event is for Norfolk only, please visit the Smart Health Solutions website for more information on the NHS Health Check training.
This course is a follow-up to the Understanding NHS Health Checks study day focusing on the clinical aspects of NHS Health Checks, the so what next bit. The topics include AF, blood pressure, cholesterol, CKD and familial hypercholesterolemia. Diabetes is not included in this session.
For each condition, the session will cover:
- The burden across the population
- Who is most at risk
- Signs & symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Initial management
- Ongoing management
- Lifestyle
- Clinical case scenarios
- Application in practice
Certificates of participation are available to all attendees on submission of evaluation and handouts for each course are available for future reference via the MedAll platform.
You will need to create an account on MedAll, the platform for HCPs used for registration, handouts and certificates. Click here for a helpful guide
We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.
We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008,