Join us online on Wednesday, for a session delivered on Basic Statistics in Medicine and Surgery. The session will be delivered by Dr Rosie Brown, a senior statistician working in clinical research.
This talk is perfect for those wanting to pursue an academic career or an interest in surgical research!
Teams Link to join on Wednesday 24th July 19:00 - 20:00 (BST):\_ZjU0ZmQ5NTAtZTllYS00NDY5LTgzNTctNThiMjg4ZTczNzQ2%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"37c354b2-85b0-47f5-b222-07b48d774ee3"%2C"Oid"%3A"9e27d196-9aee-4330-8a14-5bf98158d24f"}