Join us with Professor Nick to understand more about humanitarian medicine and how to get involved.
Professor Nick Maynard trained at Oxford University, Guy’s Hospital, London, and
Melbourne, Australia. He is a Consultant Upper GI Surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals
NHS Trust, and Associate Professor of Surgery at Oxford University. He set up the Oxford
Oesophagogastric Cancer Centre in 1997 and is the Senior Surgeon and Clinical Lead. From
2021 to 2023 he was President of the Association of Upper GI Surgery for Great Britain and
Ireland (AUGIS), demitting in September 2023.
Nick first visited Palestine in 2008, and since 2010 he has been visiting Gaza regularly. Each
October he leads a group of Oxford Consultants specialising in surgery, medicine,
paediatrics, and obstetrics to Gaza to teach medical students from the Islamic University of
Gaza and Al Azhar University. Nick also works with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP UK) as
part of their surgical team to travel into Gaza to carry out and teach advanced upper
gastrointestinal surgery for cancer and benign diseases. In December 2023 with MAP Nick
led the first UK medical mission into Gaza during the current conflict and worked at Al Aqsa
Hospital for 2 weeks. He has just returned from his second Emergency Medical Team mission
in Gaza, spending 2 weeks at Al Aqsa Hospital from April 20 th to May 6 th .
Nick joined the Board of Trustees of IMET2000 (International Medical Education Trust) in
2016 and has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees from 2018.