Join us for a comprehensive MSRA series covering high yield concepts from the core specialties in the exam to support you for your preparations for core surgical training (CST) applications.
As part of our first session providing an overview to the MSRA, we will talking all things about getting into CST! All recordings will be made available after our events and automatic certificates provided following completion of feedback forms that you can save to your portfolios.
After this session, we will be tackling the content over 4 intensive crash course days but don’t worry breaks are included with 15m break in morning and afternoon as well as 45m lunch break!
- Day 1 (2/11/24) - Resp, Cardio, Ophthal, ENT, Palliative
- Day 2 (3/11/24) - Gastro, Renal, GenSurg, Urology
- Day 3 (16/11/24) - OBS, GYN, MSK, Endo, Rheum
- Day 4 (17/11/24) - Paeds, Neuro, Derm, Haem, Psych
We will also be running a session on SJT - stay tuned to find confirmation of this date!