Join our SFP prep course to learn to maximise your application success this year!
Making the Most of your SFP
This teaching session looks to provide medical professionals with a guide for making the most out of their carefully planned Scheduled Future Plan (SFP). Participants will learn about effective strategies for setting priorities, managing workloads, and communicating with team members to ensure successful outcomes. Join this session to get the most out of your SFP to help deliver quality healthcare.
Learning objectives
To understand the importance of having an SFP to protect and sustain medical practices over time.
To identify key elements of SFPs that medical practices should consider when making decisions on their SFPs.
To become familiar with the legal and regulatory requirements associated with having an SFP.
To be able to create, update, and maintain an effective SFP for a medical practice.
To learn strategies for using an SFP to maximize profitability and increase patient satisfaction.