This site is intended for healthcare professionals
9th Nov 2023
6:30 - 7:15pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Come along to week four of our MediSurg Simplified Teaching Series! This is our fourth medical topic and will be led by Dr Monique Dinglestad. Attendees will receive an overview of asthma and COPD, covering topics such as clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis and management. Questions will be answered through interactive sessions and end of session quiz. Doctors of all levels of experience are welcome to join this educational session, which will help sharpen skills for managing these common respiratory conditions in GP and on the ward, while preparing for important exams.


Join us for week four of our MediSurg Simplified Teaching Series! Led by Dr Monique Dinglestad, this educational session will deliver an overview of asthma and COPD; covering topics including clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis and management. Engage in interactive sessions and end of the session quiz to challenge knowledge and gain valuable tips to manage these common conditions when on the ward or in the GP setting. All medical professionals are welcome to join this session to help prepare for important exams, as well as sharpen their skills for day-to-day medical care.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the clinical signs and symptoms of asthma and COPD.
  2. Diagnose asthma and COPD using evidence based guidelines.
  3. Identify appropriate management strategies for these conditions.
  4. Ask meaningful questions about asthma and COPD during interactive sessions.
  5. Pass the end of session quiz with a greater knowledge of asthma and COPD.
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9th Nov 2023
6:30 - 7:15pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events