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Lower Limb Reconstruction - Mr Naveen Cavale

10th May 2023
7:00 - 7:40pm (GMT)
10th May 2023
7:00 - 7:40pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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PRASSA UK would like to welcome you to the third talk of the PRASSA UK Webinar Teaching Programme. For this, we are humbled to be joined by Mr Naveen Cavale as he imparts his wisdom, and provides us with an exciting overview of, Lower Limb Reconstructive surgery.

Speaker Profile

Mr Naveen Cavale is one the UK’s leading plastic and reconstructive surgeons. He is currently Clinical Director at King’s College Hospital London where he heads up the plastic and reconstructive surgery department, but also operates privately in Battersea (realclinicuk).

As a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Mr Cavale can literally treat top to toe; whether that’s rebuilding someone’s leg after an accident or rebuilding someone’s chest muscles following open-heart surgery. Of course, as a true expert and lead in his field, Mr Cavale also performs outstanding cosmetic procedures too. He is renowned for his piezo rhinoplasty technique which has significantly less bruising compared to traditional methods, as well as his breast augmentation and reduction work. The key is always to leave the patient with high-quality results. “It’s the improvement in confidence or seeing how their life has changed for the better that’s the most rewarding aspect of plastic and reconstructive surgery” he says. Mr Cavale is also a keen educator. He’s the UK representative of ISAPS – the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and president of the plastic surgery section of the Royal Society of Medicine. He regularly provides training and seminars for the next generation of surgeons and is constantly developing his own techniques through advanced training and keeping at the forefront of the latest state-of-the-art technology. Mr Cavale is also known for his humanitarian work. He frequently visits Gaza to provide life- changing surgery to men, women and children affected by blast injuries and gunshots. He currently visits twice a year and previously one of his trips was turned into a documentary by the BBC.

Learning Objectives

Develop and understanding, and knowledge, of…

  • The principles (including the rationale for antibiotic use, the timing of debridement and coverage, and the MDT approach) of open fracture management e.g. BOAST guidelines.
  • The pathophysiology and presentation of compartment syndrome in the lower limb.
  • The types of dressing and splints (e.g. temporary negative pressure dressing and plaster splints) used in the lower limb.
  • Overview of free flaps utilised in lower limb reconstruction, including their indications, advantages and disadvantages.
  • The diagnosis and management of vascular injuries to the lower limb (including the acute response to vessel injury, the use of investigations and the timing of surgery)
  • The indications for amputation.


Attend this exciting session with one of the UK’s leading plastic and reconstructive surgeons, Mr Naveen Cavale, as he discusses the principles, pathophysiology and management of lower limb reconstructive surgery. Understand the principles of open fracture management and the diagnosis and management of vascular injuries, and gain knowledge on free flaps, dressings and splints, and the indications for amputations.

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10th May 2023
7:00 - 7:40pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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