Kidneys & Emergency Medicine - PreClinEazy
Catch-up content
This engaging teaching session, "Kidneys & Emergency Medicine - PreClinEazy" offers crucial insights and practical knowledge concerning the pivotal role of kidneys in emergency medicine. It's highly recommended for medical professionals who aspire to augment their clinical acumen, improve patient outcomes in critical settings, and enhance their understanding of renal pathologies. Take this opportunity to learn and discuss with experts on kidney-related emergencies. Attend this session to upskill yourself and stay at the forefront of medical innovation.
Learning objectives
By the end of the teaching session, participants should be able to identify and describe the anatomical structure and function of the kidneys in relation to general health and disease processes.
Participants should be able to recognize common kidney-related emergencies, such as acute kidney injury, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections, with an understanding of their symptoms and potential risks.
Participants will learn and apply the interpretation of renal function tests and urinalysis results to diagnose and manage kidney emergencies, differentiating between pre-renal, intra-renal and post-renal causes of acute kidney injury.
Participants will develop an understanding of the initial management of kidney emergencies, including pharmacological interventions, dialysis options, and when to refer to a nephrologist.
Participants will be able to discuss and evaluate various case scenarios of kidney emergencies, fostering critical thinking and application of knowledge to real-life situations in the emergency department.