Passionate about Widening Participation in Medical School and Beyond?
Come to our 5th Annual Widening Participation Conference!
‘Keeping the Door Open’: National Medical Schools’ Widening Participation Conference 2023
Where? University of Birmingham Medical School,
- Founded by the National Medical Schools' Widening Participation Forum (NMS WP Forum)
- Designed by the NMS WP Forum's Student Subcommittee
- Supported by the Medical Schools Council (MSC)
What is the conference about?
The conference is aimed at empowering individuals who are working to widen participation in medicine. The day will be filled with fantastic expert speakers and interactive workshops to develop your skills in supporting aspiring doctors, medical students and medicine graduates who are from widening participation backgrounds. Please see here for more information about our previous conferences:
Who is it for?
Anyone affiliated with a medical school or healthcare body, who is interested in supporting widening participation work (supporting individuals from under-represented backgrounds in their medical careers). This can include staff, students and medicine graduates at any stage of their career.