
Mini International Virtual Medical Conference (IVMC): Surgery

27th Jan 2022
5:45 - 8:15pm (GMT)
27th Jan 2022
5:45 - 8:15pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Catch-up content



Our On Demand videos are now available for our event. If you missed it live, you can watch the entire conference AND gain a certificate by clicking on the video titled 'IVMC:Surgery (Certificate Included). All the talks are seperate if you would rather watch someone specific.

Events and On Demand

You can find out more about events happening on MedAll by clicking on the following link: https://medall.org/events and if you would like to use our ‘Training On Demand’ service, click on this link https://medall.org/ondemand and search for previous events/organisations/specialities.

Take care and see you soon.

MedAll Team :)


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On the day, click "join this event online" on the event page


Find us on Twitter: @MedAllApp and use #IVMC

Welcome to our IVMC Surgery Conference - we are delighted you could join us.

This evening we have Dr Shaheer Aslam Joiya who is a Core Surgical trainee and an Honorary Clinical Lecturer University of Glasgow and he will be our host for the evening.

Coming up this evening we have:

17:45: Welcome and Posters

18:00: Dafydd Loughran

18:20: Ryan Kerstein

18:40: Q&A

19:00: Phil McElnay

19:15: Poster Hall (https://app.medall.org/events/ivmc4-surgery/posters?code=224102)

19:30: Michael Okocha with Q&A

19:50: Elizabeth Chipp with Q&A

20:10: Close


Poster Hall


For all Poster Presenters - your certificate will be on your MedAll account at the end of the event. The winners will be notified and an announcement made on social media.


Feedback Form

You will receive a feedback form in your emails at the end of the event. Once submitted, your certificate of attendance will be in your MedAll account.

If you would like to be notified about the Date/Theme of our next MedAll event so you can submit an Abstract, please do let us know in the Feedback form.


Events and On Demand

You can find out more about events happening on MedAll by clicking on the following link: https://medall.org/events and if you would like to use our ‘Training On Demand’ service, click on this link https://medall.org/ondemand and search for previous events/organisations/specialities.

Thanks for joining us this evening, take care of yourselves and see you soon!

MedAll Team :)

This event will be part of our 'On Demand' service next week with certificates for those who couldn't join live


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Our theme of Surgery

We’ll be exploring how we can innovate, develop and grow in our knowledge of Surgery together, as we emerge from the pandemic. We’ll be exploring what hybrid means and how we can deliver it. We’ll be exploring how we can get more involved in Surgery as a community.


We have an incredible line up for you!

Ryan Kerstein - Is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon with a specialist interest in skin cancer, working at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust.

Outside of his clinical role, he is actively involved in Health Technology and grass roots innovation. He is the Health Technology Editor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England's Bulletin journal, for which he writes a regular piece on the latest and most impactful trends and innovations in surgery - The Technologist

He is passionate about helping frontline colleagues develop their ideas and innovations to improve the care we deliver our patients.

Dafydd Loughran - Is a Chief Executive Officer at Concentric Health and also an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur for NHS England

A surgeon by training, Daf now leads Concentric Health in transforming the consent process and how we make informed, shared decisions.

Having stepped sideways from SPR training in 2016 he's been involved in intrapreneurship within the NHS, led teams at a Tech unicorn, and now delivering the market leading digital consent application with a small clinically-led team.

Michael Okocha - is a General Surgery Trainee based in the Southwest (Severn Deanery). Dad of 3. @ASiTOfficial E&D officer.

@ASGBI_MA Secretary. ASGBI EDI Committee and Passionate about QI and MedEd. Creator of 50 Faces of Surgery. For Whom the Bell Tolls, DOI:10.1308/rcsbull.TB2021.5.

Excited for the next generation of inclusive surgeons. #HereIAm

Elizabeth Chipp - Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery Training Programme Director and Chair, Plastic Surgery Training Committee, HEE West Midlands

Elizabeth is a consultant plastic surgeon in Birmingham specialising in burns surgery in both adults and children. She trained in the West Midlands before undertaking fellowships in Chelmsford and Nottingham and commenced in her consultant post in 2014. She has a strong interest in teaching and training and is currently the Training Programme Director for plastic surgery in the West Midlands. Outside of work she enjoys running and horse riding and lives with her husband and 2 young daughters.


We will have our very own Social Poster Hall, with time both at the beginning and during our evening to spend time looking at the posters and chatting to the authors. If you have a poster, don't forget to share it on social media using #IVMC and tag @medallapp so we can re-share for you


About Mini International Virtual Medical Conference:IVMC

MedAll's Mini International Virtual Medical Conferences (IVMC) are designed to help us all share research more flexibly. And with technology it means we can do that - feasibly, flexibly, efficiently and regularly.

It means we can share research without it taking all day, all weekend, having to pay for travel, or take multiple days of annual leave or precious study leave. We can gather together to learn, inspire, encourage, connect and share knowledge with each other. This is not a local event, this is a healthcare community event- with representatives from over 30 countries.


Featured posters

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Similar events and on demand videos

27th Jan 2022
5:45 - 8:15pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events