Welcome to our InterSim inaugural simulation conference 2023
Hashtag: #InterSimASM23
**WiFi available in the venue if you register by 12pm, Tuesday 6th June**.
Parking: On-street and Belfast City Hospital (paid carpark)
InterSim is our new state of the art simulation centre that aims to drive standards, reputation and learning experiences in simulation. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Getting Better, together: Interprofessional simulation-based education’. You will have a unique opportunity to hear presentations on simulation-based research and innovations in simulation practice. We have a series of keynote speakers who will deliver presentations on cutting edge topics in simulation. Workshops will also allow you to develop your skills in a wide range of topics in simulation. Most importantly, the InterSim conference will allow you to network with individuals from various disciplines. The conference is open to all professions and disciplines. From academics, practice-based educators, professional support staff and individuals simply interested in simulation – this is the conference for you.
Schedule is right here
Abstracts can be found here
Registration fees
£10 for students (undergraduate and postgraduate)
£20 others