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HKMSUK CAREER SERIES PART 4 & Specialty teaching - ENT

25th Mar 2024
7:30 - 9:00pm (GMT)
25th Mar 2024
7:30 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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More career talk and speciality teaching are on their way. Please welcome Mr Chon Meng Lam (ST3 ENT) to share his experience in preparing to become an ENT surgeon and some common ENT cases which will be very useful for your final written and OSCE exams.


Join the HKMSUK Career Series Part 4 where ENT surgeon, Mr. Chon Meng Lam, will share his invaluable experience and guide you in preparing to become an ENT surgeon. You'll also gain insight into common ENT cases, crucial for acing your final written and OSCE exams. Don't miss this unique learning opportunity!

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand the career path and professional growth of an ENT specialist, with particular attention to the journey of Mr. Chong Meng Lam, an ST3 ENT surgeon.
  2. To gain insights into the day-to-day responsibilities, challenges, and rewarding aspects of specializing in ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) medical practice.
  3. To learn about common ENT cases, investigative measures, and management strategies that are crucial for both clinical practice and medical exams.
  4. To familiarize participants with the necessary steps and preparations to become an ENT surgeon, as well as the skills and competencies required for the role.
  5. To provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and discuss various scenarios, thus enhancing their understanding and application of concepts in the context of ENT medical practice.
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25th Mar 2024
7:30 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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