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High Yield OSCE Session 5, [Mock OSCE week]

25th Oct 2024
5:30 - 7:00pm (BST)
25th Oct 2024
5:30 - 7:00pm (BST)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
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Boost your medical knowledge and enhance your clinical skills in this High Yield OSCE Session 5. The session provides a realistic, hands-on learning experience specifically designed for medical professionals. Join us in Mock OSCE week as we simulate the objective structured clinical examination, offering you invaluable experience under exam-like conditions. Clinicians will get an opportunity to practice their skills, receive advice, and gain feedback to improve. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity as you pursue excellence in your medical career.

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Learning objectives

  1. To improve the participants' skills in clinical examination by practicing various OSCE stations with standard patients under timed conditions as they would in a real examination setting.
  2. To enhance participants' ability to swiftly analyze a patient's condition and develop an effective treatment plan while effectively managing given time limits.
  3. To learn how to effectively communicate clinical findings, diagnoses, and treatment plans in a clear, concise, and professional manner to patients, their families, and medical colleagues.
  4. To develop a deeper understanding of the strategies and techniques for appearing successful in diverse OSCE stations, including stations focused on clinical skills, communication skills, and procedural skills.
  5. To boost participants' confidence and minimize exam anxiety through active participation in mock OSCE, constructive feedback from faculty, and group discussions about common mistakes and best practices in OSCE.
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25th Oct 2024
5:30 - 7:00pm (BST)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events