FY1 Survival Series - Wellbeing
This teaching session, part of the FY1 Survival Series, focuses on wellbeing, a crucial aspect often overlooked by medical professionals. Learn about essential self-care practices, stress management techniques, and resources to help maintain mental health. This is an invaluable session for FY1s but also beneficial for medical professionals at any level, as it can teach you how to manage the demanding nature of this career. Understanding how to incorporate wellness into your routine can result in improved job satisfaction, productivity, and patient care. Don't miss the opportunity to invest in your wellbeing.
Learning objectives
Understand the importance of wellbeing in the medical professional's life, how it affects work performance and patient care.
Identify the major stressors and challenges faced by FY1 doctors, and examine how these impacts their mental and physical health.
Recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout, depression, and anxiety in oneself and in colleagues.
Explore various strategies and techniques for managing stress, enhancing resilience, sustaining a healthy work-life balance, and prioritizing self-care.
Determine the resources available for support, including peer networks, mentorship programs, and professional counseling and understand how to access these services when needed.