Finals 2 Foundation - Week 4 - Session 1 | Cardiology
Join us for our Finals 2 Foundation - Week 4 - Session 1 | Cardiology Lectures. This session will cover heart failure, hypertension and valvular disease, as well as warfarin and other anti-coagulation. Join via the following link:{"Tid"%3A"90a86382-fc9f-459c-b91a-9852fb08b2cd"%2C"Oid"%3A"0c68aa2d-b664-432f-b204-13bd28199dae"}
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Learning objectives
- To understand and distinguish between various cardiac diseases, their causes, and symptoms.
- To identify and interpret common tests and procedures related to cardiology.
- To gain proficiency in diagnosing common cardiac conditions and formulating effective treatment plans.
- To discuss and analyze case scenarios involving cardiology patients, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach for optimal patient care.