Join us for our session tonight covering the following:
18:30 - Haematology session 1
19:15 - Emergency/pre-hopsital medicine MLA content map conditions
20:00 - CT head interpretation
Link below:
Join us tonight for a high yield session covering the following content!
18:30 - Haematology session 1 - Anaemias, haemoglobinopathies, pancytopaenia, sickle cell disease, haemochromotosis, haemophilia, hyposplenism/splenectomy.
19:15 - Emergency conditions - dehydration, drug overdose and antidotes, hyper/hypothermia, sepsis and multi-organ failure, anaphylaxis and GI haemorrhage
20:00 - CT head interpretation
Link below - copy and paste link into your search bar to work
By the end of the Haematology session 1, participants should be able to diagnose and understand the pathology behind common haematological conditions.
By the end of the session, participants should develop an adequate ability to interpret common abnormalities seen on CT scans of the head and propose adequate management plans.
Participants should be able to identify and appropriately manage prioritized conditions listed in the Emergency/pre-hospital medicine MLA content map after the session.
The session aims to improve participants' clinical reasoning skills and the application of theoretical knowledge to practical situations in Haematology, Emergency Medicine, and CT Head Interpretation.