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Final Year Series: Visual Pathways, VFDs & eye exam

14th Jan 2025
7:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
14th Jan 2025
7:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Catch-up content



Prepare for OSCE and UKMLA ophthalmology content. Join us for a 1hr session covering the visual pathway, visual field defects and eye examination!

This session will be led by Dr Wesley McLoughlin, NHS Tayside.

From hemianopias to quadrantanopias we'll cover mnemonics, memorising the visual pathway and then apply the knowledge to a rapid review with SBAs.

> This session is part of Mind the Bleep's final year series, make sure to check out our other seminars!


Join us in this insightful, one-hour teaching session as part of Mind the Bleep's Final Year Series, led by Dr Wesley McLoughlin. This essential session will dive into the complexities of the visual pathway, visual field defects (VFDs) and eye examination - components crucial to your OSCE and UKMLA ophthalmology content. Sharpen your knowledge from hemianopias to quadrantanopias through mnemonics and practical application in a rapid review with SBAs. Make sure to check out our other seminars too!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the anatomy and physiology of visual pathways, including the role of different parts of the brain and eyes within this context.
  2. Develop a thorough understanding of common visual field defects, such as hemianopias and quadrantanopias, and their underlying causes and symptoms.
  3. Learn and practice efficient methodologies, like mnemonics, for memorising visual pathways and associated defects.
  4. Gain proficiency in carrying out comprehensive eye examinations, using simulated scenarios and real-time feedback to improve clinical skills.
  5. Apply theoretical knowledge into practice by rapidly reviewing given clinical case studies and answering SBAs.
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14th Jan 2025
7:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events